How to Rock The Van Dyke Beard Styles
While mustaches have remained the most prominent physical features that signal masculinity in men, most celebrities acknowledge that the Van Dyke beard style is sleek, versatile, and iconic.
I’m not saying that men without beards are feminine or anything of the sort, but there is an undeniable allure to beards, whether they are full-length or stubble.
This Van Dyke beard style, named after Flemish painter Anthony, was one of the most famous European styles in the 17th century.
With a striking combination of mustache and goatee beard, the Van Dyke beard style has evolved to offer various options for the modern man.
From celebrities to everyday men, this beard style is a classic choice that suits multiple face shapes with the right hairstyle. If you want to channel your inner artist, the Van Dyke beard style is what you need.

What is a Van Dyke Style Beard?
The popular facial hair trend known as the “Van Dyke beard” derives its name from Anthony van Dyck, a renowned Flemish painter from the 17th century. As the preeminent artist of the English court, he set a standard for modern style.
Nowadays, many celebrities sport this beard style, which features a seamless combination of a distinguished mustache and a sleek goatee.
The overall effect is sophisticated, commanding, and well-groomed.
The perfectly crafted Van beard strikes a delicate balance between refinement and confidence.
This could be why men from various walks of life, ranging from creatives to cowboys of the Old West, are drawn to it.

How to Style a Van Dyke Beard
It’s no secret that men can be particular about their facial appearance. Whether it’s to attract the opposite sex or to exude a sense of masculinity, many are drawn to a specific beard style.
Here’s how to achieve the clean, stylish look of the Van Dyke beard, a particular facial hair style that piques the interest of many.

Step 1: Grow your hair out
To grow a Van beard, start by letting your facial hair grow to a length of about 1/4 inch. If you have fast hair growth, this should take a little time, but if your hair grows slowly, you’ll need to be patient until your hair reaches the desired length.
Once your facial hair has reached a length of approximately 1 inch, it’s time to focus on proper grooming techniques.
Combing and trimming are the two most important aspects of grooming for the Van dyke beard style. Use a comb to direct your mustache and beard downwards.
Remember that the Van goatee doesn’t require any hair around your cheeks, so trim that area down to the skin.

Step 2: Get shaving cream
After achieving the desired length for your Van dyke beard, it’s time to start shaping and grooming it.
One crucial step is to apply a high-quality shaving gel or cream to your facial hair, which will help to give it a smooth, polished appearance.

Step 3: Use scissors and clippers
To achieve the perfect Van beard, it’s important to use scissors and clippers to trim longer hair and maintain a clean and stylish appearance.
However, take care when using scissors, as a single mistake can ruin the unique look of this beard style. Washing away any extra hairs that may accumulate during trimming is vital to maintain a well-groomed appearance.

Step 4: Style your goatee
Shave off your cheek area and sideburns to achieve a circle beard. It’s also essential to shave your neckline area for a neat and clean appearance.
Once you’ve removed any excess hair, trim your beard precisely to give it the desired goatee shape for a well-groomed circle beard.

Step 5: Trim Your mustache
After achieving a goatee beard, it’s time to trim your mustache. Carefully cut both ends of the mustache to achieve a pointed look. Then, disconnect the mustache from the beard, and you’re done!
Step 6: Rinse your face
Once you have finished trimming your mustache, it’s important to rinse your face to remove any remaining shaving cream and loose hairs. This step helps to ensure that your beard is clean and well-groomed.
Next, apply some beard gel to your mustache to give it a shiny and polished appearance. If you’re adventurous, twist your mustache’s ends for a more dramatic effect.

Why You Need A Van Dyke Beard Style
1. Suitable for people with slow facial hair growth
As for men who don’t have or like a lot of facial hair, the Van Dyke style is a good compromise. It allows for a stylish and masculine look without requiring a full beard or mustache.
The style is easy to maintain with regular trimming, which may appeal to men who prefer a simpler grooming routine.

2. Its versatile nature
The Van Dyke beard style works well for a wide variety of face shapes and hair types.
It also allows you to customize the style to fit your unique facial characteristics to help ensure that it looks its best on you.

3. Simple and sophisticated
Compared to other hairstyles, the Van Dyke is simple for anybody to do. You need to keep your hand straight and focus on the job.
4. Low-budget maintenance
The Van Dyke is an easy-to-maintain beard style that requires little time and effort. You only need to redefine the edges from time to time so that you can still spot the look.
The Different Van Dyke Beard Styles
Despite originating in the 17th century, the Van Dyke beard style has remained popular over the years. Fashionists have only modernized the beard style, giving it a more contemporary and slick appearance.
The Van Dyke beard styles allow for customization to suit individual preferences and facial features.
We have rounded the most exquisite styles to enable you to regain confidence and comfort.

1. A Trimmed Beard
Typically, the hair for this beard style is not evenly distributed, which creates a more casual and carefree appearance.
More hair is left on the chin and mustache, creating a distinctive and stylish appearance.

2. Shaved Chin and Full Mustache
To spot this thin mustache with a tapered chin beard, you need a clipper. Then, you may give yourself a sophisticated and handsome look.
For this cut, the mustache will be thin and thick, with sparse hair at the chin and beard.

3. Pointy and Slim
The pointy and slim Van Dyke beard style features a pointed end and a clean-shaven cheek area.
The beard is centered below the lips and can be enhanced with gray and honey-blonde tones for a more stylish appearance.

4. Van Dyke Beard with a little roughness
This style has a slightly rugged feel with hair on the neck, giving you a rugged yet neat look. The rough Van beard can give off a bad-boy vibe.

5. Curls with a fading highlight
To spot this van dyke look, you need to crop the hair closer to the skin to resemble a stubble. Also, you need to fade the sides to sport a perfect and clean look.

6. Goatee that looks like a cone
This is a dramatic style that never fails to impress when styled correctly.
You can achieve the look by using hairspray to hold your cone-shaped beard in place and gel to twist the ends of your mustache for a folded appearance.

7. Shabby Van Dyke
You’ll need thick and long facial hair to keep the sides short. This will ensure the remaining hair stands out.

8. Slow and Steady Van Dyke
This Van Dyke beard style has a gradual progression. The sides are faded to create stubble, and then the bulk of the facial hair is at the cheekbones, mustache, and chin.

9. Traditional Van Dyke
This style has a high fade for a crisp appearance and shaved sides. The aim is to shape the mustache and beard in a way that resembles a sad face. Its mustache is trimmed, making a pointy end that looks twisted.

Whether you’re going for a bad boy vibe or just want to add edge to your appearance, this beard style will do wonders.
However, to really pull off the Van dyke beard, it’s crucial to keep it groomed and well-maintained. Using a comb and suitable wax, you’ll keep your beard looking sleek and stylish.
Is a Van Dyke a Good Look?
The Van Dyke beard style is versatile and can be trimmed and shaped in different ways to suit individual preferences and styles.
It can be short and neat for a professional look or longer and more rugged for a casual look.
What’s the difference between a goatee and a Van Dyke?
Some people may indeed confuse the Van Dyke beard style with a goatee. However, there are some critical differences between the two.
The Van Dyke beard typically features a mustache and a patch of hair on the chin, which may or may not be connected to the hair on the cheeks or sideburns.
The mustache is not a necessary part of a goatee, but it makes up 50% of a Van dyke beard. The mustache and goatee of a Van dyke beard are typically disconnected, forming two distinct areas of hair growth.
In contrast, a goatee is typically a patch of hair on the chin without the accompanying mustache or connecting hair.
Is the Van Dyke beard a Good style?
The Van Dyke beard style can be worn with ease. Plus, it helps guys to create confidence. Historical figures like King Charles I rocked this style because of its allure and stylishness.
Is the Van Dyke beard style attractive?
The Van Dyke beard style has gained popularity over the past few decades. Shaving the hair on the cheeks helps create a more defined look for the chin and mustache.
Plus, the style helps accentuate the jawline and minimizes the appearance of a double chin.
A Van Dyke sometimes spelled Vandyke, or Van Dyck is a style of facial hair named after the 17th-century Flemish painter Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641). Source
A ‘Van Dyke’ is a variation of a goatee with a mustache, named after the 17th century Flemish painter, Sir Anthony Van Dyck (also spelled Van Dyke). source

Khamis Maiouf is a professional barber who graduated from Hinckley College in England with a degree in hairdressing. He has also won several barbering contests and successfully operated a barbershop for the last two decades. As a skilled hair stylist for 20 years, his goal is to teach others how to achieve a beautiful appearance through their hairstyles.